Wednesday, December 1, 2010

E*Trade Babies are back

A new E*Trade babies ad has been on TV and like always is very funny, cute and clever. The main character, a baby, is in timeout for riding his dog like a horse but is using his Ipad to diversify his E*trade stocks. When his I-pad is taken away by his mother, he takes out his smart phone and begins singing, "Nobody knows the trouble I've had."

What makes these ads great is that I'm not sure how they work. People instantly recognize the E*Trade babies and understand the meaning of the commercials. But really, they're just talking babies, an ode to "Look Who's Talking" more than what I would associate stock or bonds with. The ad copy writer weave in the features of the website with the comedy and irony of these infants and their adult lifestyles.

I'm always impressed with these commercials. I think they show that not all the good ideas are gone. It also probably took a leap  of faith to air a commercial like this the first time it was done, but it was obviously worth the risk.